Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Knowledge has organising power

I heard this some time back and still get awed by its powerful simplicity.
Finance has never been my forte - something like how most people look at mathematics. I found it boring and of little practical use. But now that my new job requires a lot of understanding of how to take investment decisions, how to value banks, when does a merger make sense, I was pushed to go back to the textbook. And what joy it has been.
Financial terms which seemed totally out of context have started to make sense. Sample this-- greenmail, white knight, poison pill, poison put-- whoa!!
And as i delve deeper, things have started to fall in place and make sense. The work on my desk now is easier to go through and i feel a sense of direction in what i am doing. Not just already itching to put all these terms to use ( hopefully at relevant places before interesting audiences!) and get some bigger eyeball responses :)

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