Monday, May 23, 2011

We are not alone..

Multiverse. A hypothetical set of multiple and parallel universes- each similar to, yet different from the others.
I have been toying with this idea for the last couple of days. I find it intriguing. It means that, in another universe, right now- I am doing something different. I could be in a cafe' in Vienna instead of my home in mumbai. It is me, all right- but a different me. All because I took a decision in that universe to travel to Austria during the summer vacation. How exciting! And since there are infinite such universes ( if the hypothesis is true!), then there are infinite variations of where I could be and what I could be doing.
When I let this sink in, I realize that each choice that I make means that I forego a different one which could take me on a different pathway. Each choice has that potential. What if another me, in a parallel universe, is also pondering over exactly the same question?
Dream on!

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