Thursday, June 10, 2010

They say that all journeys..

They say that all journeys begin with one step. All journeys.
It is time to set afoot on another one. I don't know where it leads. Maybe up in the hills where the snow is or maybe down the ravines, maybe a flat walk on the plains or maybe a bumpy sail over the seas. I don't know. All this is metaphorical.
All I know right now is that I need to start walking. With time and distance, something will materialize. Some goal will make itself apparent and I will say, "Yes! that is what I need to aim for right now" and I will rush towards it. But then, I don't know.
Perhaps I will come back to where I began, feeling more hopeless. Feeling that nothing can be done which would change the way things are.
Perhaps, I won't. But one thing is certain. If I make the journey the aim, the searching itself the purpose, then there is nothing to be frustrated about. I will try and remember this every time I start on a new trail. Maybe that would help.
But then, I don't know!

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