What is it about the evenings that makes people behave so differently.
The blue grey sky, the occasional tuft of cloud, tinged by the sun orange at one end makes one long for company. It is a time to talk.
Our best conversations happen only when we are ourselves. Be it when you switch off the lights to go to sleep - and just cant. Or be it the grand finale of a sunset across the ocean when you clasp hands and open your heart. The sunsets are so magical.
And it is not just the sky, the late evenings is also time for the birds to come home. As I sit here, I can listen to their chirp. As if they mother sparrow wants to share her day with her young ones. The adventures must be told over the meal that was arranged for by the day's toil. As if the silence of day's work needs to be balanced with the continuous chatter. Humans arent different too!
The city begins to glow. It is time for the lights to come on. How wonderful a view it must be from the sky to look as the city becomes defined by these jewels of lights. The different streetlights like necklaces, the big buildings like diamond studded tiaras- and the occasional dark patches done in by the load shedding! It would be as if the star studded skies were mirrored and then magnified.
The evening is always a time for change. While most people often talk of daybreak as the time of the day, it is the evening that smoothens our entry into the comfort of darkness. When we are far away from the glare and it is easy to be ourselves.
Maybe that’s what evenings are about. A chance to be Ourselves. The light has mellowed and the glare has gone. The lines on the forehead have vanished and the smile on the lips has returned. It is time to be alive.